
Bone Broth, Goat Milk, and Your Pet's Nutrition

Bone Broth, Goat Milk, and Your Pet's Nutrition

Did you know that the majority of cats and dogs don't get enough moisture in their diet? Compared to your pet's natural diet, processed pet food is low in moisture and tough on kidneys, skin, fur, and overall health. If you've been considering adopting a whole food approach for your companion animals, take a closer look at some of the key ingredients in a raw pet food diet. Bone broth and goat milk provide essential hydration for cats and dogs, especially during the warmer months. Whether you feed these products as supplements or as part of a holistic dog or...

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Removing Ticks From Your Pets

Removing Ticks From Your Pets

Ticks are disgusting little insects that survive by sucking blood from their hosts, often times from your four-legged friend. Here are some tips to get that pestering tick out: You should check your animal pretty regularly to see if it has ticks on it. Ticks especially like to nest in the head and neck area. When feeling around your pet, you may encounter an area where you feel a small round lump. If you spread the hair and see a tick, here are the steps you need to take to remove it: - First of all, you should have latex...

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Detecting Allergies in Dogs

Detecting Allergies in Dogs

Man’s best friend can suffer from allergies in the same way many humans are affected by them. In fact, a wide variety of things may cause allergic reactions in dogs, and it may be difficult to pin down the exact cause in your dog. Dander is often the culprit for allergies in dogs; it is the flakes of dead skin that gets lodged in the fur coat of the animal. Fleas can also spark an allergic reaction in dogs, as well as other inhalants and even certain food products. Inhalants that may cause allergies are pollen, dust, or mold. Some...

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Nutrition Your Cattle Needs

Nutrition Your Cattle Needs

Good nutrition is essential for the health of your herd, but there are many different factors that affect what nutrition your cattle need. By understanding your cattle's needs, you can adjust their diet to offer them the best possible feed in different situations. What Nutrition Cattle Need All cattle need a balanced diet that includes a variety of components, such as: Fiber and roughage Starch and carbohydrates Minerals, nutrients and salts Protein Fat Water The exact proportions of these dietary components can vary greatly depending on each animal's needs. Every cattle farmer, however, should be sure their herd is getting...

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Overcoming Calf Health Issues

Overcoming Calf Health Issues

An unhealthy calf can be a strain on both beef and dairy farming, but many calf health issues can be overcome if they are recognized early and properly treated. By staying alert to your animals and providing them with exceptional care, you can easily raise healthy, productive calves. Diseases and Health Issues Affecting Calves There are many different diseases and health problems that can appear in calves. Depending on the climate, environmental cleanliness, herd size, available nutrition, and other factors, calves might be affected with… Bovine respiratory disease, pneumonia, and other lung disorders Septicemia Scours, digestive difficulties, and diarrhea Dehydration...

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